Monday, January 13, 2025

A Look at Dr. Jensen's Juicing Therapy

11:47 AM Posted by jo

My husband bought his juicer back in 1996 way before it became fashionable to be into raw food eating. The reason he bought the juicer was that he was suffering from heavy metal toxicity after working in United Airlines Plating shop.

Our mentor, wise woman and Herbalist Dalean, introduced him to juicing swiss chard, carrots, celery, and fennel along with taking special supplements. (Ask us about our Heavy Metal Toxicity Protocol) The reason Wayne started with the program was that his stamina and speed drastically went down while training on his bike. His doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him and cleared him as healthy even though he wasn't feeling well.  It was his herbalist friends that suspected heavy metal toxicity and he started his juicing program. He noticed a different right away in energy and stamina, but he kept to his program for quite a long time. After this juicing has become part of our health routine.

A good book we have at home is Dr. Jensen's Juicing Therapy. He studied the health benefits of vegetables and fruits for years, and  he successfully treated hundreds of patients. He discovered that fresh raw juicing is the most efficient method of getting enzymes, minerals and vitamins in the body.

The book includes everything you need to start your healthy life. Jensen shares his Health and Food Regimen, and it has plenty of juicing recipes as well. I like the book because it provides all the information needed in order to get started in juicing. The difference between juicers and blenders is discussed as well as comparing different juicers. Jensen's shares his tips on how to pick out the best fruits and vegetables for juicing.

One chapter of the book is dedicated to greens.This is a very good chapter since it not only gives the benefits of the greens and chlorophyll, but it also contains a detailed list of different greens and their benefits and nutrients. Other great features of the book are the Analytical Food Guide and the chapter about vitamins and minerals. The Analytical Food Guide is a chart that  provides the predominant minerals, best usage and remedial effects of many fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. 
The Chapter about vitamins and minerals covers the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.  It is a comprehensive list of the health benefits of separate vitamins and minerals, and what foods are good sources of each of them.

A chapter in the book is dedicated to children and juices. It is a very helpful chapter since it provides information about when to introduce juicing, and what kind of juices children should drink. It is very hard to give very young children the correct amount of nutrients. Juicing is really helpful in providing sufficient nutrients for children as young as babies. 

We often let our children help out making their healthy food. Read my other juicing post.

My favorite chapter of the book is the one about the blending. It has tons of recipes and blending tips. Some are general health building while others are targeting specific health conditions. Great tips on how to make specific protein or carbohydrate drinks are included. I also like the smoothies and shake recipes.

Jensen emphasizes that foods do not heal. They provide the resources so that the body can heal itself. He makes it clear that juice therapy provides the body and its fluids with vital minerals and vitamins. This will provide the lymphatic system with the proper minerals it needs in order to cleanse. Without the sufficient nutrients the lymphatic system will be overloaded with toxins which eventually lead to disease. 

Juicing is mostly for cleansing, but it is important to balance the building and cleansing in the body as well. The cleansing and building needs to be balanced 50/50 percent.
If you aren't juicing already I highly recommend you to start.

Thanks for visiting!


Johanna is an aromatherapist and an independent distributor of Young Living Essential Oils and Nature's Sunshine. She is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives. She also runs Naturally Sports & Wellness together with her husband.  Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information. 

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