Guest Post: Inside Out Skin Protection

10:52 AM Posted by jo

When you hear of sun protection, you think of a topical application, right? Did you know that our skin can have natural protection from the inside out too? I have some exciting information to pass along to you! Think about this. Sunscreen has not always been around and people in exotic lands are always exposed to the sun. What helps them be protected from the sun? Could it be the vegetation they eat that naturally protects their skin? The raw material they eat in combination to their genetics and type of skin they have could possibly give them a better chance of sun protection.

It's very interesting to find that consuming raw foods high in antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins C & E, lycopene and beta-carotene, are just a few nutrients that offer the skin a natural protection as well. I am not saying that they offer full protection and that the skin will not get burnt just by consuming high amounts of these. But, it certainly does help alongside the use of a safe topical sunscreen. Since my two daughters and I have been consuming a product that has extracts of botanicals that are known to offer these nutrients, our skin has not burnt as easily or as badly as it has been known to before. We've been able to go out, enjoy the sunshine on our skin and get the vitamin D benefits that the sun offers without constantly covering our skin up. Our summer regimen has been spent enjoying an hour of sunscreen-free time in the sun. Then, I'll apply some organic sunscreen for continual outer protection.

As far as skin protection from the inside out, botanicals from around the world offer a great amount of these nutrients that help. For instance, Gac fruit from Southeast Asia offers 70 times more lycopene than tomatoes and 10 times more beta-carotene than carrots. Goji berries from the Himilayas offer vitamins C & E and beta-carotene. Acai berries from the Amazon Rain Forest also has vitamin C and are known to be rich in essential fatty acids. Seabuckthorn is another one that offers vitamins C & E, carotenoids and omega fatty acids. And, of course, all of these offer a rich amount of antioxidants that are crucial for protecting our bodies from free-radical damage. Extracts of these botanicals can be found in the products we have been using called Seven+ from a company called eXfuze®. These are only a few examples of what you can find in these powerful liquid nutritional supplements that are enzymatically active. You won't find any harmful preservatives or artificial sweeteners in these that you have to worry about. Start protecting your skin from the inside out by consuming these nutrients and give your cells what they need to function and be healthy!


Stephanie Wilding is an independent distributor of eXfuse - The Power of Seven+ 
She has a passion for helping and encouraging others on their homeschool journey, as she is still learning and growing as well! She has a passion for natural health and to help others live healthier, functional lives. Stop by  her blog Healthy Homeschool 101.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, registered nurse, or licensed dietician, just a home-schooling mom. Any information I provide is for general education purposes only. I recommend that everyone work alongside their personal physician while pursuing treatment for any condition.

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