Friday, March 1, 2013

Emergency Preparedness ~ Introduction

So, you already have a food storage and plenty of supplies, but what about your medication? Can you maintain your health if there is an absence of drugs or medical care?

Learn about food storage and emergency preparedness
This my first post in this series of Emergency Preparedness from a health perspective. There are already several great blogs sharing wonderful tips about food storage and emergency preparedness tips, so I stick with what I know best, natural health. Check out my friend Laurie at Common Sense Homesteading for some wonderful tips about food storage and emergency preparedness.

What to do if you can't renew your medication
I see a lot of people stockpiling food and supplies, but I'm not sure they would do very well if their access to medicine and medical care is denied. Unfortunately, doctors don't seem to allow people to stockpile their medicines. So if you're dependent on medication for your well-being, then you should consider what to do in a situation where it may be difficult or impossible to renew your medications. Having some herbs or oils at home in a first aid kit is one thing, but the real concern is what to do if you can't get your prescribed medication anymore.

Learn about essential oils
My advise is to learn about natural remedies, especially essential oils. You can stockpile essential oils, and they have no expiration date if they are stored correctly. They are small enough so they can be put in a pocket if needed. Not only do they take up less room than herbs, but they are more potent so less amount is needed for healing. You have to drink 26 cups of peppermint tea in order to get the same healing effect as one drop of therapeutic peppermint essential oil. Herbs also lose their potency over time. You should also make lifestyle and dietary changes necessary for obtaining optimum health.

We are getting prepared
My husband and I have been building our food storage as well as purchasing other things for emergencies so that we are getting prepared for things such as natural disasters. We live in the Sierra Foothills and in the summer there's always a threat of wildfires, and in winter we can get snow storms and be without power for days. There is also the fear of an economic collapse which already has happened in countries such as Greece, Iceland and Argentina. In Russia, when the currency devaluated in 1998 the citizens were without foods for weeks. Believe me, I'm not the gloom and doom kind of person, but who knows what will happen here the next few years? So I like to be prepared.

Lack of access to medications is projected to be the #1 cause of death in the event of an
economic collapse, beating out starvation, lack of drinking water, pandemic, injury, and many more. This is because half of America’s populace relies on prescription drugs and would be lost
without them.” Julie Behling

Being ready and helping others
We are far from finished and we still have plenty of things to do, but I'm confident that we are ready for medical emergencies. My husband is a traditional Naturopath and Master Herbalist, and I'm an Aromatherapist, so we use natural remedies anyway and always have them at home. My husband also learned some useful skills such as do stitches and deal with broken bones and such while he was in the army. Fortunately we don't suffer from any medical conditions, but I want to set aside remedies to help others with their medical conditions. I am concerned when I know friends and family are on multiple medications with no intentions of quitting them. Not having access to their medications could be fatal in some cases, and it is also dangerous to quit some medications cold turkey.

Reduce the dependence 
About 50% of Americans are on some kind of prescription drug for their chronic health problems and 1 of 2 say they suffer from a chronic illness that affect their daily lives. You'll be a lot better prepared for emergencies if you start learning about natural remedies so that you can reduce your dependence on Western medicine.

The most frequently prescribed drugs in our country are.
  • Antidepressant and anti-anxiety drugs such as Prozac, Wellbutrin, Celexa, Efflexor, Valium and so on. 
  • High blood pressure medications such as Metoprolol, Lisinopril, Furosemide and so on.
  • Pain killers such as Vioxx, Celebrex and Hydrocone and so on. 
  • Allergy medications such as Zyrtex, Singular and so on.
  • Diabetes medication such as Glucotrol, Metformin, Avandia and so on.
  • Heartburn medications such as Prevacid, Protonix and so on.
  • Statin drugs such as Zocor, Lipitor, Plavix, Tricor and so on.
  • Thyroid medications such as Levoxyl, Synthroid and so on. 
  • Antibiotic and and antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu, Zithromax, Amoxillin and so on. 

Learn about your condition
These are only the most commonly prescribed drugs in America so you if take any other medications not listed, then you should look into what you can do in a situation where you can't access your medications. Learn about your condition and what can be done naturally, start by making dietary changes, incorporate natural remedies, and work with your doctor to see if your medication can be reduced or discontinued.

Consider talking to your doctor about stock piling your medication
There are situations such as when suffering from Type 1 diabetes , or when the thyroid is removed, when medication is absolutely necessary. In some conditions it may be impossible to find a natural alternative that doesn't require prescription.

I have already covered many health conditions on my blog, and I plan to continue next post about Emergency Preparedness by sharing natural alternatives to the most frequently prescribed medications listed above.


Read part 2 of this series to learn about anxiety
Read part 3 of this series to learn about High Blood Pressure
Read part 4 of this series to learn about Pain.
Read part 5 of this series to learn about Allergy


Johanna is an aromatherapist she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives.  
Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.