Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cytophylactic Properties of Essential oils

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I have mentioned the cytophylactic properties of essential oils several times before, and they are especially beneficial in skin care for aging and mature skin. Cytophylactic means that the oils stimulate the generation of new cells, which will aid in preserving the health of the skin. These oils are also used for treatments of burns. Frankincense, lavender, helichrysum, rosewood, sandalwood, patchouli and myrrh all have cytophylactic properties. Find out more detailed information in my post  myrrh, frankincense and sandalwood- Top three Oils for skin rejuvenation

Facial mists or flower water are very beneficial for aging skin. You can use them during the day to add moisture to the skin, or you can spray on the face right before applying the essential oil blend like I do. So, it works like a moisturizer and a facial toner at the same time. It will  make it easier to apply the massage oil blend when the skin is moisturized by the toner first. Facial toner recipe

Massage oils suitable for  mature skin are jojoba, evening primrose, wheatgerm, avocado, carrot infused oil, and rosehip. Borage and vitamin E oil can be added to enhance their effectiveness.
Other oils to consider are hazelnut, kikui nut, macademia nut and St.John's Wort. Don't get stuck on that you have to use these oils, I just made a oxygenating facial gel with coconut oil and it works wonderfully for my skin. It may also help prevent wrinkles.

My post, Essential Oils for Skin Care - Aging and Mature Skin  has more information about how to treat aging and mature skin.

Thanks for reading!

Before you leave:

I recommend that you always perform a skin patch test when you try a new oil.

Check out my safety page to make sure you are aware of any contrindications before you use essential oils. Some oils are not suitable when suffering from certain conditions. AlsoRead this Before You Start Using Essential oils. Some oils should not be applied prior to sun exposure so make sure you check this list before spending time in the sun.

Not sure how to apply the oils? Visit these pages to learn how to apply the oils:
If you're new to essential oils you might want to check out my Getting Started Guide. 


Johanna is an aromatherapist and she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives.
Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.