Sunday, March 16, 2025

Welcome to My Blog

7:48 AM Posted by jo

I'm Jo and this is is my blog where I share my information about aromatherapy, Paleo nutrition, simple living, wellness and natural health. I think less is better for our health.
Processed foods are full of toxins that compromise our immune system. Cleaning and body care products contain harmful chemicals that mess up our immunity and endocrine systems. We are better off cooking our food from scratch with a few good quality ingredients so that we avoid the harmful toxins. We can make our own body care products with a few ingredients and clean with vinegar, lemon, salt and baking soda.

High tech products have also shown to compromise our health and more and more studies expose the harmful effects of using technology. People work themselves to death so that they can show off and have the latest inventions. Unfortunately, many jeopardize their health by working too much and they never have time to enjoy their fancy things they worked so hard to get. We can learn to live in a smaller house, drive older cars, and use less gadgets, and work less to maintain our health. We can minimize the need for technology and only buy what we need. Save the environment and only upgrade to the latest model if absolutely necessary.

I like to take the approach that we only get what we need and that's it. I do realize that we need to adapt to the society around us and there are things we cannot live without. However, I think it is valuable to teach our children that material things don't make them happy and that they need to learn to find happiness without expensive things.
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