Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Emergency Preparedness – Diabetes

This is my sixth post in my Emergency Preparedness series where I address an important issue such as lack of access to medicine and medical care in case of emergencies. 

What if access to medication and medical care is denied?

In my first post, Emergency Preparedness  I was wondering how people on prescribed medications would handle an emergency situation if access to medication and medical care is denied.  I encourage you to go back to my previous posts and read them. My previous posts cover  high blood pressure, anxiety & depression,  pain and allergy.

I urge you to take charge of your own health so you're better prepared for any situation where you might not be able to fill your prescription or use any medical facilities.

Natural solutions
Below are some natural solutions to the most prescribed drugs in America today.

Why essential oils?
  • You can stockpile essential oils, and they have no expiration date if they are stored correctly. Herbs also lose their potency over time.
  •  They are small enough so they can be put in a pocket if needed. 
  • They are more potent so less amount is needed for healing. You have to drink 26 cups of peppermint tea in order to get the same healing effect as one drop of therapeutic peppermint essential oil. 

Treat the body holistically
It is important to remember to take a holistic approach to healing and not only rely on natural remedies. Dietary changes, living a toxin free life, exercise, sufficient rest and sleep, and incorporating other healing therapies into your life should also be considered. 

Okay, here we go:

#5 Diabetes medications are some of the most prescribed drugs in our country

It is said that at least 17 million Americans suffer from diabetes. Most of them have type 2 diabetes, also known as adult- onset diabetes. In type 2 diabetes the body doesn't produce enough insulin, or the cells ignore insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle. Dietary changes, maintain a healthy weight, and increasing the level of physical activity.

Type 2 diabetics need to address the root of the problem, which is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is caused by faulty leptin and insulin signaling, which is due to lack of exercise and incorrect diet. Dr. Mercola says that to correct and restore the insulin/leptin signaling in the body, most sugar and carbs need to be cut out from the diet, this also means cutting out alcohol which equates sugar, and increase the protein intake, along with regular exercise.

Dr. Mercola's guidelines to preventing and reversing diabetes:
  • Eliminate or severely limit grains and sugar from your diet. This also includes sweetened drink, only one drink a day can increase the diabetes risk by 25%. Also avoid processed foods with fructose, even fruits may need to be eliminated until your blood sugar is under control.
  • Exercise is needed if you want to get diabetes under control. Include high intensity sprint-type exercises since they boost fat loss, promote muscle building, and triggers your body to produce human growth hormon naturally. Until your blood sugar is under control you'll need large amounts of exercise.
  • Trans fats will worsen the insulin resistance so avoid.
  • Eat saturated fat such as avocados, grass-fed organic meat, and coconut oil. They provide building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormon-like substances. They also provide a concentrated source of energy and act as carriers for vitamin A,D,E, and K.
  • Add omega-3 fats from a good quality animal source.
  • Make sure you monitor your fasting insulin level. It is just as important the fasting blood sugar. The fasting insulin level should be between 2-4, the higher level the worse your insulin receptor sensitivity is.
  • Make sure you get enough quality sleep every night.
  • Make sure you get sufficient amount of vitamin D, according to Mercola, levels around 60-80 ng/ml can significantly help control blood sugar.
  • Address any underlying emotional issues and stress.

Dr. Mercola says if you're willing to make the lifestyle changes stated above,  nearly 100% of type 2 diabetes can successfully be treated, meaning eliminating the symptoms of diabetes, or the high risk of developing health complications. 

Other tips from experts
  • Wolfberry balances the pancreas and is also a detoxifier and cleanser.
  • Chromium has shown to help people metabolize blood sugar properly.
  • Substituting sugar for real stevia leaf extract may help rebuild glucose tolerance and normalize blood sugar.

Time for the oils
Even though we try to make the necessary lifestyle changes,  it may take a time to achieve the desired results. 

According to the Essential Oils Reference, ocotea lowers insulin needs for diabetics and reduces blood sugar fluctuations and is said to be the best options. 
Coriander is another option, it has been researched at Cairo University for its effect in lowering glucose and insulin levels, and for supporting pancreatic function. It has also been studied for its effect in strengthening the pancreas. 

The Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide written by Gary Young, suggests the following oils:
coriander ~ Coriandrum sativum
cinnamon ~ Cinnamonmum verum
fennel ~ Foeniculum vulgare
dill ~ Anethum graveolens
cypress ~ Cupressus sempervirens
clove ~ Syzygium aromaticum

Watch your insulin intake carefully, you may have to cut down. 

If you have Type 1 diabetes, talk to your physician and see if it is possible to stockpile insulin.

Never quit any prescribed medication on your own since it may be dangerous. Some medications needs to be weaned of slowly. Consult with your doctor first.

Before you leave:

I recommend that you always perform a skin patch test when you try a new oil.

Check out my safety page to make sure you are aware of any contrindications before you use essential oils. Some oils are not suitable when suffering from certain conditions. AlsoRead this Before You Start Using Essential oils. Some oils should not be applied prior to sun exposure so make sure you check this list before spending time in the sun.

Not sure how to apply the oils? Visit these pages to learn how to apply the oils:
If you're new to essential oils you might want to check out my Getting Started Guide. 


Johanna is an aromatherapist and she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives. 
Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.

Connie and Alan Higley, (Twelfth Edition, revised 2010). Reference Guide for Essential Oils. Abundant Health
Gary Young, ND (2006). Essential Oils, Integrative Medical Guide. Essential Science Publishing
Salvatore Battaglia (1995). The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. The Perfect Potion Pty Ltd
Julie Behling  (2011). Medical Preparedness for Adults  E-book