Thursday, February 21, 2013

Therapeutic Properties in Aromatherapy

I often refer to therapeutic actions. This is a growing list.

Analgesic: Essential oil used to relieve pain when applied externally, also called anodyne or local anesthetic.
Antacid: Essential oil used to neutralize the acid in the stomach. 
Anthelmintic: Essential oil used to expel or destroy intestinal worms.
Anti-arthritic: Essential oil used to relieve arthritic conditions.
Anti-asthmatic: Essential oil used to relieve asthma.
Antibacterial: Essential oil that destroys or suppresses the growth or reproduction of bacteria.
Anticatarrhal: Essential oil which heals inflammation of the mucus membranes. 
Antidepressant: Essential oil which counteracts an absence of cheerfulness or diminishing functioning activity.
Antiemetics: Essential oil used to lessen nausea and prevent or relieve vomiting.
Antifungal: Essential oil that is effective against the reproduction of growth of Candida albicans and other fungi and yeast.
Anti-hydropic: Essential oil used to eliminate excess body fluids.
Anti-inflammatory: Essential oil which is capable of counteracting or suppressing inflammation.
Antimicrobial: Essential oil capable of destroying micro-organisms or suppressing their multiplication or growth.
Anti-neuralgic: Essential oil capable of relieving neuralgia.
Antioxidant: Essential oil capable of relieving oxidation.
Antiphlogistic: Essential oil used to reduce inflammation or swelling.
Antipruritic: Essential oil which relieves or prevent itching.
Antipyretic: Essential oil used to relieve or reduce temperatures in fever.
Antiseptic: Essential oil which prevents, resists, and counteract putrefaction.
Antispasmodic: Essential oil used to relieve nervous irritability and reduce or prevent excessive involuntary muscular contractions and spasms.
Aphrodisiac: Essential oil which stimulates sexual desire.
Astringent: Essential oil that contracts tissues. It makes them firmer, and decrease discharge.
Bitters: Essential oil with a bitter taste and serves as a stimulant to the gastro-intestinal membranes.
Carminative: Essential oil which stimulates intestinal peristalsis, relieves, and promotes the expulsion of gas from the intestinal tract.
Cell proliferant: Essential oil that promotes rapid healing and restoration.
Cephaliac: Essential oil that is particularly healing to cerebral conditions and diseases.
Cholagogue: Essential oil used to promote increased flow and discharge of bile into the intestines by contracting the bile ducts.
Cicatrizant: Essential oil used to promote scar tissue.
Depurative: Essential oil which cleanses and purifies.
Diaphoretic: Essential oil that produces perspiration and sweat plus increased elimination through the skin.
 Digestant: Essential oil which aids in the digestion of food.
Diuretic: Essential oil which increases the secretion and flow of bile.
Emmenagogue: Essential oil which tones the female reproductive organs and regulates menstruation.
Expectorant: Essential oil that encourages the discharge of mucus from bronchio-pulmonary passages.
Febrifuge: Essential oils which reduces a fever.
Fungicidal: Essential oil which is able to destroy a class of organisms such as mold, fungus or mushrooms.
Galactagogue: Essential oil which increases the secretion of milk.
Germicide: Essential oil that destroys pathogenic micro-organisms. 
Hepatic: Essential oil used to strengthen, tone and stimulate the secretion and functions of the liver causing an increased flow of bile.
Hypotensive: Essential oil that lowers blood pressure.
Insecticide: Essential oil that is used to destroy insects.
Laxative: Essential oil which loosens the bowels and relieve constipation.
Nervine: Essential oil that tones and heals the nerves.
Parasiticide: Essential oil that destroys animal and vegetable parasites within the body.
Parturient: Essential oil that stimulates urine contractions, induces and assists with labor.
Pectorals: Essential oils that heals complaints of the lungs.
Peristaltic: Essential oil that stimulates and increases muscular contraction of the stomach and intestine.
Refrigerant: Essential oil with cooling properties. It lowers body temperatures and relieves thirst.
Rubefacient: Applied locally, this essential oil stimulates the capillary dilation and causes skin redness. It draws blood from deeper tissues and organs and relieves congestions and inflammation.
Sedative: Essential oil which calms and tranquilizers the nerves.
Soporic: Essential oil that induces a relaxing sleep.
Stimulant: Essential oil which increases functional activity and energy in the body. 
Stomachic: Essential oil which stimulates and tones the stomach.
Styptic: Essential oil that stops local bleeding and hemorrhaging, applied externally.
Sudorific: Essential oil that promotes the flow of sweat, not perspiration which goes on all the time through the capillaries.
Tonic: Essential oil which stimulates, energizes and strengthens the body.
Vermifuge: Essential oils which expels intestinal worms.
Vulnerary: Essential oil that promotes healing of fresh wounds or cuts.

Not sure how to apply the oils? Visit these pages to learn how to apply the oils:

If you're new to essential oils you might want to check out my Getting Started Guide. 

Johanna is an aromatherapist and she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives. 
Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.