Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wound Healing and Essential Oils

I think it is important to be prepared for emergencies so I keep essential oils and herbs in my first aid kit. We use both herbs (my husband is a Master Herbalist) and essential oils in our family, but I find it easier to use essential oils in certain situations. Essential oils have traditionally been used to promote healing of wounds. Essential oils that have traditionally been used for wound healing are German chamomile, frankincense, everlasting (Helichrysum), myrrh, lavender, neroli, rose, palmarosa, yarrow and sandalwood.

For wound treatment I would choose oils that are cicatrizant, astringent, and vulnerary. Oils with cicatrizant properties promote the healing of wounds and keep them antiseptic. They will also prevent formation of scar tissue. Some oils are vulnerary and they will also promote the healing of wounds and prevent the wounds from being infected. Oils with styptic actions will stop the local bleeding. Astringent oils will contract tissues in order to make them firmer, denser and decrease discharges.

 Below is a formula  I used  as a compress several years ago to treat a wound. Compresses are very effective and useful in treating a small area. I would have added bergamot to this blend but it is phototoxic and we were out in the sun when I made this compress.

Wound Healing Compress:
  • Benzoin resinoid 3 drops - Its styptic property will arrest the bleeding
  • Roman Chamomile 3 drops - For disinfecting the wound. Its vulnerary, cicatrizant, and antiseptic properties will promote healing of the wound and prevent scar tissue.
  • Purified water 9 oz
Add the water to a bowl and then add the essential oils. soak a soft cloth, gauze or a piece of flannel in the water. Make sure that you wring it out so that it doesn't drip and apply to the injured area. It is preferable to cover the cloth with saran wrap and then a towel to keep the aromas in.  Re-apply the compress once it dries out. Repeat the treatment 15 minutes to one hour. Do this three times a day if needed.

Other oils historically been used for wound healing:
German chamomile, frankincense, everlasting (Helichrysum), myrrh, lavender, neroli, rose, palmarosa, yarrow and sandalwood.

Calendula officinalis has also traditionally been used for the treatment of wound healing. It is generally used as an infused oil.

Other related posts:
Lavender to The Rescue
Make an Antiseptic Vinegar
Essential Oils for First Aid- Protect Your Family
How I Would Deal With A Scorpion Sting

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