Sunday, November 10, 2013

Getting the Children Involved

My youngest son loves to help my husband restore his old 68 mustang. He drops what he is doing when he sees his father in the garage, and he runs and asks if there is anything he can do to help. I think it is important to teach our children various skills so that they can handle adulthood better.

I consider it important that my boys  leave home with certain life skills, and that my daughter will do the same. My husband and I don't push it on them, we involve them in what we are doing instead. It makes them feel important that we value their help in what we are doing. Eventually they know the skill themselves and they can do them on their own. 

My husband is explaining certain things about the engine and what he is working on for the moment. My husband always tries to come up with things for Alex to do when he comes and wants to help out.

Alex is very proud that his father trusts him to work on his mustang. 

Sometimes tiny fingers can do a job easier than big fingers.

My husband involves Alex in the discussions and asks him what he thinks. It is a great way to encourage free thinking and problem solving.

Alex gladly leaves the heavy jobs to big brother. He rather plays with his sister when it comes to heavy stuff. 

Do your children help out too?
