This is one of our favorite dishes and we make this for Easter every year so I decided to repost the recipe.
We mix the herbs and spices with olive oil and marinate the shanks over night.
The first thing we do the next day is to brown the meat in dutch oven or other oven proof pot for about 10 minutes. We add crushed garlic, and we always add more garlic than what the recipe says.
We add our homemade stock and bring it to a boil before we transfer the pot to the oven.
Once in the oven, we let it cook with the lid on for an hour before we turn the shanks and let it cook for another 45 minutes. Once the shanks are done we remove them, and put them on a platter and cover to keep them warm. We finish the cooking on the stove and add carrots, potatoes, zucchini and tomatoes.
In a separate small pot we mix some fat, flour ( can use gluten free alternatives such as arrow root), tomato paste and some braising liquid and stir it for a couple of minutes. We add it to the big pot which now has the vegetables removed, and let it boil for another 2 minutes. Once done we add the vegetables and the shanks back into the dutch oven.
Even our picky eater in the family finds something to eat in this pot! Complete recipe can be found at Simply Recipes
Johanna is an aromatherapist and she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives.
Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.
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