Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Essential Oils that Are Adaptogens

Essential oils that can either sedate or stimulate are referred to as adaptogens. Peppermint, Mentha piperita is an adaptogenic oil that can either sedate or stimulate depending on the action needed. Stimulants increase the functional activity of the body or of the organs. They may improve the circulation and strengthen the metabolism. Some of the stimulant oils may aid in purifying the blood and assist in dispelling mucus from the lungs, nasal passages and the stomach.

Battaglia also says that peppermint may be beneficial in treatment colds and flu due to peppermint's expectorant and antiseptic properties. He also says it is an ideal oil to use for sinus congestion, inflammation, infection, migraines and congestive headache. 

According to Battaglia, peppermint is an ideal remedy for all digestive disorders such as colic, flatulence, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pains. Battaglia also say it is an effective remedy for nausea, vomiting and travel sickness.

Peppermint is a diffusable stimulant that is absorbed into the system. It exercises a stimulant effect at first when it comes into contact with the gastric mucus and then a local sedative effect takes place that assists in alleviating nausea. The local stimulating effect on the bowels will alleviate abdominal pain due to flatulence and promote the expulsion of gas.

It's sedative actions may be used when an individual experiences palpitations in order to relax the body and inhibit a rapid heartbeat. At the same time peppermint's stimulant action increases the circulation and more blood and oxygen reaches the brain. This is why Mentha piperita is recommended for exhaustion and mental fatigue. It's hepatic action strengthens and stimulates the liver and increases the blood flow of bile when the liver is congested. Due to it's cholagogue action is has been used for gall bladder congestions,  it contracts the bile ducts and increases the flow of bile to the intestines.

Adaptogen oils are very interesting since they posses the power to both sedate and stimulate depending on the actions needed. Lavender is another oil that actually posses both sedative and stimulant actions. It's sedative actions have been known to alleviate palpitations, nervous tension, and to lower blood pressure. At the same time lavender has a stimulation effect for someone with depression, weak heart or shortness of breath.

Lemon is also an adaptogen and acts as a sedative or tonic as needed.