Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dogs and Supplements

Several holistic veterinarians recommend a daily vitamin supplements for most dogs. Vitamins made of whole food sources are easily absorbed by the body. A good way to see if the vitamins absorb easily is to put a pill in a glass of water and watch how quickly it will dissolve. A good quality vitamin pill shall dissolve quickly, if it doesn't dissolve quickly in the water, it will not be absorbed quickly in the body either.

A dog needs essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants daily. I am a big fan of super foods since they contain most of the nutrients needed by the body.
 I opted for not giving my dog the multivitamins since the ones my husband and I take are too potent. If you decide to give your dog a vitamin I recommend to purchase human grade vitamins with no fillers, colors or additives.

I add a Trace Mineral Blend which contains Kelp leaves and stems, dandelion root, alfalfa aerial parts. Dandelion is rich in potassium and it also aids the liver.

If you want to give nutrients individually I recommend kelp, cod liver oil, apple cider vinegar, antioxidants, and alfalfa. A mix of kelp and alfalfa will make a great super vitamin and mineral supplement.
A blend of alfalfa and kelp contains undamaged proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, trace elements, antioxidants and fiber.

Alfalfa contains the vitamins A, B1, B3,B5, B6, B12, C,D, E, K, and U, plus betacarothene, biotin, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, protein, trace elements and fiber. It also has an antibiotic action against gram-negative bacteria, such as salmonella. Alfalfa is used as a general tonic and to detoxify the body among other things.

Kelp contains vitamins A, b1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, and E, plus zinc, biotin,bromine, calcium, choline, copper, inositol, iodine, PABA, potassium, selenium, sodium, sulfur, trace elements. It's iodine content is very nourishing for glands and organs, especially the thyroid and liver. Kelp also has antibiotic actions against gram-negative bacteria and it also has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic actions as well.

Apple cider vinegar contains many nutrients and according to the book Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog by Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown, D.V.M. it also has the ability to kill bacteria in the meat, chicken or fish.

The dogs can make their own vitamin C but in today's stressful and toxic environment some dogs may need an immune boost. Large breed dogs susceptible to hip problem may benefit from extra supplementation. According to Dr.Goldstein, if the female dog has a history of hip problems, it can be helpful to raise the big breed dogs on vitamin C from early puppy hood. Vitamin C has also historically been used in arthritic or hip dysplasia.

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