Sunday, October 11, 2009

Make Your Own Spa

Today is a very rainy day so I thought it is appropriate to share some recipes so you can make your own spa day today. Or you can save the recipes and invite your friends over and make the products together.
You can easily make your own bubble baths, bath salts, and bath bombs while you are having a good time with your friends.


Basic Bath Salt
1/3 cup of Epsom Salt
7-10 essential oils of your choice

Make your own blend or try these:

Wake Up Bath
3 drops rosemary
2 drops eucalyptus
3 drops lemon

Relax bath
5 drops lavender
3 drops ylang ylang
2 drops clary sage
3 drops bergamot

Mineral Bath Salt
½ cup of fine sea salt or dead sea salt
¼ cup borax (a natural mineral)
¼ up baking soda
10 drops lavender
6 drops geranium
5 drops pink grapefruit
7 drops bergamot

Mix essential oils with the sea salt first. Then add borax and baking soda. This combination will soften the skin and re-mineralize your skin. It is also great for body detoxification. Be sure to soak for at least 15 minutes.
Yield: 2 baths

Bath Salts
8 drops bergamot
4 drops lavender
2 drops geranium
½ cup of Epsom salt
Glass bottle with stopper

Pour the salt mixture in the glass container. Be sure to leave enough space for shaking the mixture. Add the essential oils, put the stopper in the bottle and shake to mix. Adjust the amount of salts and essential oils to fit your bottle. Remember that you want to use at least 8-10 drops of essential oils per bath.
This will be wonderful gift to give away.

Sensual Bath
2 drops each jasmine, ylang ylang, clove and geranium
3 drops sandalwood
5 drops bergamot
1 drop patchouli
1/3 cup Epsom salt.

Mix salt with essential oils, and then add to a running bath.

Kelp Detoxifying Bath
1/8 to ½ cup of dried kelp
½ cup sea salts
2 tablespoons jojoba oil
1/8 cup glycerine
5 drops pink grapefruit
4 drops geranium
7 drops thyme
This blend helps remove toxins, re-mineralize the body and stimulate the lymphatic system.

First add the essential oils to the sea salt. Stir with wooden spoon. Next, blend the jojoba into the salts. Add the glycerine to the salt mixture. Add the kelp, according to desired strength.

More bath recipes that can be added to bath salts or carrier oils

Invigoration Bath
3 drops tea tree
3 drops pink grapefruit
1 drop peppermint

Refreshing Bath
3 drops bergamot
3 drops lemon
1 drop rosemary

Detoxifying Bath
4 drops lemon
3 drops thyme linalol
1 drop rose

Diuretic Bath
3 drops rosemary
3 drops geranium
2 drop lemon

Relaxing Evening Bath 1
3 drops lavender
2 drops rose
3 drops bergamot

Relaxing Evening Bath 2
3 drops sandalwood
1 drop chamomile
2 drops ylang ylang

Relaxing Evening Bath 3
3 drops lavender
3 drops geranium

Please remember to consider any pre existing conditions when using the essential oils, and don't forget to look up the contraindications of the oils.

Thanks for visiting!


Johanna is an aromatherapist and she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives. 

Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.