Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do You have a Hard Time at Work?

Do you find it hard to concentrate at work? Are you already planning for the next vacation?

The vacation time is finally over and it is back to work and school again. The weather is changing and it is not as sunny and clear anymore, and the days are shorter.

Essential oils can add to the well- being at work and make you happier. You don't have to be at work to enjoy the tips. I home school my children and they need to be energized and able to concentrate on their work, so I often use essential oils at home to make us feel better.

The Aroma is Powerful 

The aroma of an essential oil is very powerful. In order for an aroma to be detected it has to be volatile so it can be carried by the air to the 10 million sensory neurons located in the nostrils. The aroma finally ends up in the limbic system of the brain where it is perceived and analyzed. The limbic system is the main relay station and it is there all the emotional responses are located. The frontal lobes of the limbic system control the memory and attention, and it is also here the emotional responses are sensed. After the information about the scent has been perceived and analyzed of the limbic system, it is sent to other parts of the brain and then to storage in the memory. The sense of smell connects emotions with memories as well as intergrate mind and body.

So why don't you have a bring Aromatherapy to work (or school) day?

Does team work stress you out?
When you are working on a deadline it might be a challenge to get along with the other co- workers, and your stress levels are probably high.Ylang Ylang and bergamot  are essential oils with relaxing properties at the same time as they encourage alertness and concentration. They are balancing and mood enhancing.


Is your Inspiration and creativity failing?
If you are lacking creativity it might be a good idea to try cinnamon, mandarin, and clary sage. They provide support when you feel stressed in your work and you feel pressure to create. They are mood enhancers and they may make you see things from a happier perspective. Clary Sage has an inspiring aroma that is balancing and relaxing. Mandarin has a fruity, cheerful aroma that is invigorating and uplifting.


Do you find it hard to concentrate?
Are you tired and do you find it difficult to concentrate? Rosemary, peppermint, and lemon  have qualities that bring out your initiative qualities, strengthen your memory, and enhance your abilities to take charge and make things happen. They have strengthening qualities well needed if you feel worried and have a hard time making decisions at work.
Rosemary is balancing, revitalizing, invigorating and regenerating. Peppermint is uplifting, invigorating and refreshing. Lemon is refreshing and stimulating with a clean aroma.


Do negotiations and meetings make you distressed?
When you have important meetings and negotiations it is important to be focused. Geranium and bergamot are beneficial oils when you need to restore your inner balance and focus. Bergamot is balancing, cooling, refreshing, uplifting and stimulating. Geranium is also balancing calming and uplifting.


Do you need caffeine to keep you going all day?
Try some alert and fresh aromas for work instead. Lemon, bergamot, and mandarin are known for their uplifting properties. They uplift, energize and refresh during the day at work.

Do you need to get motivated?
I am sure we all have had days when we don't feel like getting out of bed. When just the thought of getting out of bed and go to work can make you in bad mood. Bergamot and Clary Sage may help you look at the day in a brighter light. Together they are relaxing, mood enhancing, uplifting and invigorating. They refreshing aromas are joyful, inspiring and they brighten the day.

Photo credit
Before you leave:

I recommend that you always perform a skin patch test when you try a new oil.

Check out my safety page to make sure you are aware of any contrindications before you use essential oils. Some oils are not suitable when suffering from certain conditions. AlsoRead this Before You Start Using Essential oils. Some oils should not be applied prior to sun exposure so make sure you check this list before spending time in the sun.

Not sure how to apply the oils? Visit these pages to learn how to apply the oils:
If you're new to essential oils you might want to check out my Getting Started Guide. 


Johanna is an aromatherapist and she is passionate about educating people about health, essential oils, real food, natural remedies, and nutrition so they make healthier choices in their lives. 
Follow Johanna on twitter and facebook for more health tips and information.